My grandmother kept a journal almost every day of her life. This was a fact I was reminded of often as I grew up. It was a means to encourage me to journal and document my life “for posterity.” I’ll be honest, there were times I wanted to and did a pretty good job for a month or two and yet truthfully I know I avoided writing more than felt drawn to it. That is…writing for posterity. It was imposing and I had no clue what my posterity would actually find interesting in my life.
It kind of leaves you scratching your head, right?! Me. A woman who puts out podcasts and musings and journal entries and details of my life to inspire others thought there was nothing to write about. Wanna know a secret? I still don’t journal. For posterity, that is. Yes, they could look my stuff up and read all about me. Learn away. A long time ago I began writing for myself. I wanted to write stories and books. I loved writing poems and bits about inspirations and ideas I had. It became a way for me to express and move through my emotions. Eventually, I started sharing some with close friends or the people I wrote about. And this magically brought about more confidence and healing.
Last week we talked about the importance of journaling and how to get over some of those first-time fears and we encouraged you to start small. Even starting small can be difficult. Think of it as a literal way of getting it out, like taking that thing that’s been stuck in you and removing it and letting it go. You don’t have to carry that thing around anymore. You just literally removed it from your being. That’s why they tell people to have a dream journal on their nightstand because if you write the dream down you can remember it and process the meaning better.
To help you get started on your journaling journey, we’ve compiled a list of 27 journaling prompts that are all focused on self-care and healing the relationship you have with yourself. These journaling prompts are all featured in our “Permission to be you. Always.” Journaling Card Deck, which is available for purchase on our shop NOW.
Use the coupon code “MUSING10” to receive 10% your purchase of the journaling card deck today! Offer is valid until 12/31/21 at 11:30pm MST.
- Is there something you’ve always dreamt of doing but haven’t yet? What has held you back?
- Which of your own physical traits do you love?
- What is something in your life you would refuse to change for anyone?
- What is an experience you’re glad you had and yet never want to do again?
- Share a secret you’ve never told anyone before.
- What beliefs do you have surrounding money?
- How do you cope when you feel vulnerable?
- What skill would you like to learn in the next year? 5 years? Lifetime?
- What have been the major turning points in your life?
- What is the biggest lesson you learned from a previous relationship?
Remember, it doesn’t matter what it looks like. What does matter is what you get out of it. Bullet points, scribbles, stream of consciousness, typing, however it looks and works for you is truly perfect in every way.