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08: How to Love Your Body (Even When You Don’t)

You might want to sit down for this episode because it’s a big one. We know it’s not news to you that our society has created unreasonable and unjust expectations around how our bodies should look. These expectations aren’t just hurtful, they’re harmful – and that’s putting it lightly. In this episode, we’ve just scratched the surface on unpacking and debunking some of those harmful things we’ve come to believe about our bodies. This episode also offers tangible advice on how to love your body – even when it’s the last thing you feel like doing.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

National Eating Disorders Associations (NEDA) Helpline:

• Visit

• Call or Text 800-931-2237

Office of Women’s Health:

• Visit

• Call the helpline at 1-800-994-9662


Think meditation is hard? Do me a favor. Take a slow deep breath in and now breathe out. Congratulations! You just meditated. Hi, I’m Krystal Jakosky and this is Breathe In Breathe Out, a weekly mindfulness and meditation podcast for anyone ready to own their own shit and find a little peace while doing it. 

Hello and welcome to Breathe In Breathe Out. I’m Krystal Jakosky. And again, I am so glad that you’re here and joining me today. I want to start today just by a sincere, ownership and comment from myself. I am learning. I am always learning. I seek to understand, and I pray that others do the same. 

I pray that I am granted your compassionate understanding. My goal is always to bring about love and compassion and acceptance of every human being. We are all humans. We are all a single human race, and I really pray that we can all come together with a loving compassion of ourselves and each other.

I really wish that we could break down so many barriers that are there and just realize that we’re all human. We all make mistakes and we all have successes and together we can learn from our mistakes and our successes can be ever so much better, bigger and more positive. 

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Breathe In, Breathe Out is a weekly mindfulness and meditation podcast hosted by yours truly, Krystal Jakosky. Each week, we’ll release a brand new lesson or meditation focused on helping you navigate your life by giving YOU the tools to become your own healer.

Breathe In, Breathe Out is available now – wherever you get your podcasts.