Have you ever wanted to go to the gym, but your body just wasn’t into it? So you give in and then you’re berating yourself for failing and the next thing you know you’re emotionally frustrated for falling off the wagon.
Have you ever needed to express yourself and yet your throat closes up, your heart starts to race, hands begin sweating so you abandon ship and change the subject while feeling fully frustrated at how your body’s reaction held you back?
We all have inner turmoil and sometimes we can feel like we’re at war with ourselves – our mind vs. our body vs. our emotions while our divine purpose and connection nudges us here and there on the ride.
I believe we experience this life through four bodies.
This physical body is the visible manifestation of our human selves and while a lot is going on in this body, it also houses so much more than organs, blood, and tissue. This physical body holds our spiritual body where we connect with our higher power, intuition, and personal guidance. They house our mental body – the thoughts and processes which connect us to ourselves. And they house our emotional body – our ability to connect with the people surrounding us in every aspect of life.
Taking a moment to learn about these four bodies and how to work with them shifts us into a new, more connected way of living life. We learn to recognize when one or another is out of alignment and needs a little extra attention. We can also learn how to reconnect and adjust in a way that’s unique to you.
Intro To You is a new online course that helps you understand and connect deeply with each body. You’ll learn how to know which body is reacting to your current circumstances and how to help meet your needs in that area. You’ll develop a more direct connection with your personal power and create a more compassionate understanding of your emotions and how they express within you.
It’s your turn to embrace every bit of your life experience. Shift your stance away from resigned and into empowered. Prioritizing your own wellbeing is the single best investment you will ever make. Start your journey with Intro to You today.