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03: What Self-Care Really Means in 2021

“Self-care” is such a buzzword. But how many of us truly know what it means? Here’s a hint – it’s so much more than just naps and bubble baths.


Think meditation is hard? Do me a favor, take a slow deep breath in and now breathe out. Congratulations, you just meditated. Hi, I’m Krystal Jakosky, and this is Breathe In, Breathe Out: a Weekly Mindfulness and Meditation podcast for anyone ready to own their own shit and find a little peace while doing it.


I am so glad that you have chosen to come back to spend a little bit of time with me again here on Breathe In, Breathe Out. I’m Krystal Jakosky.


Today what’s on my mind is self-care and just the vast differences that people categorize it. As when I grew up self-care was often this self-indulgent activity. It seemed like something that was bubble baths and frivolous feminine things. It very much felt like it was for women only that women needed self-care and men didn’t. I had a mentality that was, I’m sure, shared by many, many humans on this beautiful planet we call earth.


And yet in the past several years, I’ve learned that self-care is so much different than what I ever thought that it was. And if we change our thoughts and we change our mindsets on them, self-care can be this absolutely beautiful gift of wholeness and peace and understanding. It can really boost ourselves our souls, our hearts, our physical bodies – if we know what we’re doing and we do self-care with intention. I’ll explain and go into it further.


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Breathe In, Breathe Out is a weekly mindfulness and meditation podcast hosted by yours truly, Krystal Jakosky. Each week, we’ll release a brand new lesson or meditation focused on helping you navigate your life by giving YOU the tools to become your own healer.

Breathe In, Breathe Out is available now – wherever you get your podcasts.