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81: Guided Meditation for Love, Peace, and Self-Care

This week on Breathe In, Breathe Out, I’m gifting you a meditation focused on love, peace, and self-care. I hope you enjoy this practice and find it to be especially healing after a long season of hardship and ache. Here’s to setting intentions for taking care of YOU!


Think meditation is hard. Do me a favor, take a slow, deep breath in, and now breathe out. Congratulations, you just meditated. Hi, I’m Krystal Jacosky, and this is Breathe In. Breathe out a weekly mindfulness and meditation podcast for anyone ready to own their own shit and find a little peaceful while doing it.  

Krystal Jakosky:   Welcome back to Breathe In, Breathe Out. I’m Krystal Jacosky and I’m really excited to share this week’s episode with you. I first met Kevin Pinnell when I was a guest on his podcast, which is Award A Better Life. It was such a delightful experience. We had so many things in common that I really wanted to bring him on my podcast so that we could talk about the indigenous people. Kevin began his journey with the indigenous people of North America in the early nineties. He met Ken two feathers early on in that journey, and Ken Two Feathers became more than Kevin’s teacher. They had a wonderful friendship. And 10 years into that friendship, Kevin wrote the book, Two Feathers, Spiritual Seed Planter as Kevin Laughing Hawk, which addressed two feathers life and Native American spirituality. There is so much more to his experience and his life. This is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. We’re going to talk about some of the keynotes of Kevin’s experience. I really hope that you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed having him on my podcast. Hello, and welcome back to Breathe In, Breathe Out. I’m Krystal Jakosky, your host, and I am so excited to have Kevin on our show today. Kevin Cannell, welcome.  

Kevin Pennell:    Thank you. Great to be here. This is awesome. I’ve switched roles for a change. I’m not a host. I’m actually a guest. 

Krystal Jakosky:    Oh, isn’t that fun? When you get to switch it up a little bit. Kevin and I have actually been recording right now because whenever we have the opportunity to chat, Kevin and I go off on so many different tangents and so many different realms, and it’s because we are both interested in so many different things. We are always looking for something new to learn or something new to teach, which means that we have a plethora of things that we can talk about and go down rabbit hole after rabbit hole after rabbit hole. So we’re going to make an effort to keep this a little shorter, meaning not four hours long, because we could talk for hours.

Kevin Pennell:    We’re going to try to focus.  

Krystal Jakosky:    We’re going to give it the college try, you know, the good college. Not the one where you smoke pot for the first four years and then decide to do college. We’re going to actually try to focus. Welcome to my world today. Kevin, tell us a little bit about yourself, who you are and what brought you to my podcast studio.  

Kevin Pennell:    Oh my goodness. Well, if you got about two or three hours, hang in there. It’s just actually been about a year ago that I decided, I’m going to try doing a podcast because for 35 years off and on, I was in broadcast journalism and radio. So I just have a lot of fun with it. And I published a book, worked on a couple of other books, and did some magazine articles. I love to write, but for whatever reason, the publisher just wasn’t impressed. Okay, this is great, but you’re not going to publish it. It’s good stuff, but we’re not going to publish it. And I’m going, Yeah, fine, whatever. And I realized part of writing is you have to be able to accept a little two letter word called no.  

Oh, that’s standard procedure. And I just, in one of those moments, I said, you know, I did broadcast journalism and I did human interest stories for years. I really enjoy doing that, just listening and talking with people about their lives. And literally, I think it was like 3:30 or 4:30 in the morning. That tends to be what I call my spirit time. Some of the most significant little truths that I’ve ever had. The title for the book that I wrote came to me in the middle of the night. And when I wrote that book, I wrote it from five o’clock in the morning until 6:30 every day until I got done with it. But that’s my spirit time. This time it came through as you need to do a podcast called Toward a Better Life.  

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Think meditation is hard? Do me a favor, take a slow deep breath in and now breathe out. Congratulations, you just meditated. Hi, I’m Krystal Jakosky, and this is Breathe In, Breathe Out: a Weekly Mindfulness and Meditation podcast for anyone ready to own their own shit and find a little peace while doing it.

Welcome back to Breathe In, Breathe Out. I’m Krystal Jakosky and thank you for joining me. Thank you for being here and as a thank you this week, I want to do a guided meditation. So as usual I ask you to please do not be driving. I ask you to find a fantastic little space where you can curl up, relax, and be comfortable, whether you wanna sit up or lie down. However, it is that you enjoy meditating. I pray that you get cozy comfy, get right there, and then we’ll start with a nice deep breath in and out. And let’s do that again. Nice and deep all the way into the belly hand out. And as you keep breathing so deeply and fully letting your chest expand your belly and then feeling the way that it all begins to relax and contract release,  

And you keep breathing in and out feeling that surface that supports you how you’re completely and totally able to let go and be in the space at this moment, these deep breaths, the stress melts off and leaves you perfectly calm and at ease at the moment. That’s right. Another deep breath in it feels so good hand out with your next deep breath. We’re gonna open up our mind’s eye and visualize an orb. And as that orb materializes in front of you, I want you to notice everything about it. It’s size. Is it solid or pulsating? What color is it? Is there anything unique or different about this orb before you, this orb is filled with exactly what you need in this moment, whatever it is that you need, whether you’re heart and emotions need a little bit of healing, or there’s a physical need, little relax and soothing in a muscle mentally, spiritually clarity, understanding, take that deep breath in and settle, announce this a and as this or has exactly what we need? We’re going to invite it in the first place we’re gonna invite it into is our hearts so that we can have a little gratitude for this gift at this moment.  

And then we’re gonna let the orb find its way to where it really wants to settle. As you breathe in, just allow, feel it, the warmth notice where it settles, and notice the energetic shift has it Nestles in, and then it begins to grow. It increases in size with each breath. It slowly enlarges, as it eventually encompasses your entire being all the way around head to toe. You are wrapped up in this positive, energetic light. Take a moment. If there’s another color that you would like to add to this orb, another color that just pops into your mind. Add that one. And now you’ve got these two beautiful colors, like two separate shells, bringing in this positive energy and the exact thing that you need at this time. Feel the love, the encouragement, the warmth, and keep breathing deeply. You can sit in this as long as you want. As long as you need to feel this healing moment, you can add more colors. It’s all it works for you when you’re ready, you’ll start to take a deep breath in. As you begin journeying back into present awareness in your body, with each breath you’re more present.  

You feel the surface supporting you. You feel your rib cage shifting as you breathe in, breathe out another breath. You start wiggling your fingers and toes, more aware of your surroundings. And then you open your eyes. Take a nice deep breath in, give a little stretch, feeling your body in the fantastic thing that it is. And now you can either go about your day or curl up and take a nap. And I’ll see you here again next week on Breathe In, Breathe Out.

I hope this moment of self-care and healing brought you some hope and peace. I’m @krystaljakosky on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube and I hope you check us out and follow along for more content coming soon. I look forward to being with you again here on Breathe In, Breathe Out. Until next time, take care.

Breathe In, Breathe Out is a weekly mindfulness and meditation podcast hosted by yours truly, Krystal Jakosky. Each week, we’ll release a brand new lesson or meditation focused on helping you navigate your life by giving YOU the tools to become your own healer.

Breathe In, Breathe Out is available now – wherever you get your podcasts.