Intro to You: an online course by Rev Krystal Jakosky is available NOW! Click here to start your journey today.


Lewy Body Dementia Caregiving Arc

Join me for the journey through the Caregiver Arc. Understand what the caregiver arc is, where you might be in it, and how it can manifest in anxiety, depression, and eventually proficient care. Learn about self-care strategies and the importance of looking after your own mental and physical health as you navigate your new role as a caregiver.

Breathe In, Breathe Out is a weekly mindfulness and meditation podcast hosted by yours truly, Krystal Jakosky. Each week, we’ll release a brand new lesson or meditation focused on helping you navigate your life by giving YOU the tools to become your own healer.

Breathe In, Breathe Out is available now – wherever you get your podcasts.